Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Revolutionary radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc.: a revolutionary discovery.

We were asked to visit the Tooling Around blog on the CML website and comment on something which we had not learned about yet. I discovered Highlighter and I consider that to be revolutionary. It will certainly change the way I pursue my passions, books, movies, music cd's and all things new. I love to search sites like Amazon and Borders for new items which I may be interested in borrowing from CML, and Highlighter will make my life a whole lot easier. This is how it works: "Let's say you're browsing through Amazon and come across a book or CD that strikes your fancy. Highlight the title and voila! The text you highlighted automatically appears in the toolbar search box ready and waiting to be searched in the library's catalog."

Can things get any better? Today, I think not.

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